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My Love Is Yours :)

terase na marah !
Friday, January 14, 2011 | 12:36:00 AM | 0 comments
tajuk entri tah pape kan ?
hahahaha :))

baru bukak tagged setelah beberapa ary ta bukak .
bnyk laa msg + comment yg ta terbalas .
then ade 1 msg tu tulis cm ni .

" macam laa cantik sangat "


encik , kalau da taw saye ta cantek , 
nape ADD saye ?
nape mintak YM saye ?
nape anta MESSAGE kt saye ?
nape mintak PHONE NUMBER saye ?

hey , pergi laa awak jauhjauh . 
jangan sebok laa nak jage life saye .
saye mampu jage diri sendiri .
awak tu tah sapesape , tetibe nak mintak no fon saye .
even BF saye sndr pown bersusah payah nak dapatkan nombor saye
orangorang yang saye kenal pon belom tentu ade no fon saye .
GTH laa ngan awak punye ayat!
ingat saye kisah ke ?

p/s - beware ngan orang yg kite ta kenal . they may look nice but . . .

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♥ My Love ♥

the most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling , and the next best thing is to know that . . .
u're the reason behind that SMILE

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