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My Love Is Yours :)

dear :'(
Friday, January 7, 2011 | 11:59:00 PM | 1 comments
sayank , where are u ?
i'm waiting for you lhaa .
sorry , saya memang belum ada assignment .
& saya memang langsung tak busy for a few past days .
but , there is no wireless in my room .
* ngertiin aku dwong :'(

one day you will ask me ,
" which is more important to you , 
me or you life ? "
i will say , " my life "
& you will go & leave me without knowing that . . .

have you ever forgot those word that u have given to me ?
u told me to REMIND you those words .
when u r trying to change .
so now i give back to u .
i really need u ryte now .
* kamu lagi busy dgn tugas ya ?

p/s - why do u have to be so cute ? 
it's impossible for me to ignore you , dear

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♥ My Love ♥

the most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling , and the next best thing is to know that . . .
u're the reason behind that SMILE

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